St Mary's Catholic Primary School

"Nurturing Our God-Given Talents"


Medical arrangements and First Aid Procedures.

The school only administers medicines under very special circumstances. If a child needs daily medication for an on-going condition or needs daily medication for a short period of time that cannot be administered outside school, then parents need to contact us so a meeting can be arranged with the Headteachers and School Nurse so the relevant paperwork can be completed.

Minor first aid will be carried out if children fall or injure themselves and there is a first Aid room on site. There are members of staff with the relevant First aid qualifications. However, if there are concerns, parents will be contacted. It is, therefore, essential that the school has up to date emergency contact details.

Children who sustain bumped heads during the school day will receive a letter so parents know what to monitor when they return home.  

If a child has an infectious condition, the School Office will advise parents how to proceed in line with the local health authority guidelines.

Head lice 

Special Dietary Procedure

Special Dietary Requirements Form

Individual Healthcare Plan Form

Asthma Care Plan

Anaphylaxis Care Plan