St Mary's Catholic Primary School

"Nurturing Our God-Given Talents"

The School Day

The main gates open at 8.30am.  Children attending the Nursery go straight to Nursery. The middle gates open for the rest of the school at 8.45am.  Senior Staff are on rota to supervise the school entrance at 8.45am


NURSERY:  8.30am - 3.30pm (Nursery all day)

                    8.30am - 11.30am (Morning session)

                    12.30pm - 3.30pm (Afternoon session)

 YR:              8.55am - 12.00 noon   Play time -   10.30am - 10.45am, 

                                                          Lunch time - 1.15pm - 3.15pm


INFANTS :  8.55am - 12.00 noon   Play time - 10.30 -10.45

                                                        Lunch time 12.00 noon - 1.15pm

                                   1.15pm - 3.15pm


KS2 :     

JUNIORS:  8.55am - 12.15pm  Play Time - 10.30am - 10.45am

                                                  Lunch 12.15pm - 1.15pm

                   1.15pm - 3.15pm


              End of School Day 3.15pm

Each week the children attend one KS assembly and one KS hymn practice. For KS1 these take place on Tuesday (assembly) and Wednesday (hymn practice); for KS2 these take place on Thursday (hymn practice) and Friday (assembly). The children also attend whole school worship throughout the year.